Yes indeedy, I have returned to blog land, after a much prolonged absence, but after some life altering changes in circumstances I am back !
So hmmm, an awful lot to catch up on, lot's of workshops have happened since I ws last here, so I think lot's of lovely pictures to show you who, what & where are needed to fill in the long gap !
So, if you'd like to grab a coffee, pull up a chair & enjoy the last ooh who knows how long in some pretty pictures with me, you will be most welcome :D
These ones are taken from a Ranger technique weekend workshop :o)

These next ones are from a craft group who invited me to teach them a basics guide to distress inks,we made these lovely tags.. bear in mind that some of these ladies hadn't even heard of distress inks before this two hour workshop ! ... didn't they do well :o)

These pictures come from one of my favourite classes 'the altered canvas' workshop should have seen their end results .. fantastic !

This little lot were from the Mini books workshop ....

This is some of the Christmas house workshop ...

These ones are taken from the hobbycraftstitch trade show at the NEC, where I was demonstrating for Jones of Nottingham using their beautiful Kaiser Craft Ranges ...

And last but not least is the very recent (& my favourite) Art Journal weekend :

And there we have it, the mother of all blog posts lol :D ... hope you enjoyed the catch up ... be prepared for much more !
Thanks for stopping by .. see you again soon